POWR FITNESS PTY LTD reserves the right to cancel this agreement at its discretion.
Cancellation requires 2 weeks written notice and can be provided on the Cancellation Request Form, or via Email. Please note if cancelling via Email, you must have a confirmation from POWR FITNESS PTY LTD to ensure we have received cancellation request.
Memberships/packages are a minimum 3-month commitment and like many contracts, cancelling a gym membership within this term may mean paying a fee. If you cancel your membership and your membership has a minimum term, you will be required to pay an early termination fee of 50% of the remaining amount of your term.
Time Stops can only be initiated by completing and providing a Time Stop application form, prior to the commencement of the Time Stop, and paying a fee of $5/person for the duration of the Time Stop. Time Stops can only be processed in full week durations (i.e., 7/14/21 days etc.). Extensions of Time Stops will also incur a fee of $5/person for the duration of each extension period.
Length of Sessions & Appointment Times: Personal Training sessions are based on a 55-minute workout (1hr PT) or a 30-minute workout (1/2hr PT). Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your session to complete your warm-up and stretches (especially important for 1/2hr PT). If you are more than 15 minutes late for a scheduled session, it will be considered a no-show and the session and associated cost will be forfeited.
Booking Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy: All PT sessions are pre-booked. Should you require to cancel your PT session you are required to give a minimum of 24hrs notice except in the case of a Monday PT session. Monday PT sessions must be cancelled by 10.30am the prior Saturday. PT cancellations made with less than 24hrs notice will result in the session and associated cost being forfeited. For PT sessions cancelled with at least 24 hrs notice, we will endeavour to reschedule the PT session within the following week at no charge. For Buddy PT sessions (unless cancelled as above), if one Buddy is a no-show the full PT price applies to the attending Buddy and must be paid on the day if package has been paid for upfront. If using Ezidebit, the cost will be added to your next scheduled payment unless paid on the day.
Expiration of Sessions: I am aware that Personal Training sessions have cancellation/rescheduling policies, as outlined in the Terms & Conditions, and if I fail to follow these policies, I understand my sessions will expire and that I am responsible to pay any outstanding payments on my account.
At POWR FITNESS, we want to make an effort to ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to train. To make sure we can accommodate everyone who wants to attend classes, we require bookings for our classes. We want to help ensure that those booked into classes actually attend, and those who need to drop out do so in a timely manner.
Now you made a reservation for a class but something comes up and you can’t make it. What should you do?
We get it, things come up, you don’t feel well, and your kids are sick; life happens. Cancel your reservation IMMEDIATELY by using the POWR FITNESS App or via glofox online.
If you need assistance on understanding HOW to cancel a class, please let staff help and show you. We are here to help and want you to feel as comfortable with the app, booking process and the cancellation process.
Please cancel reservations up to two hours of a class’s starting time so that someone else can experience the class you’ll be missing. If you fail to cancel a reservation and/or don’t make it to class, you may be charged a $10.00 “no show/late cancellation” fee*. (If there should be a sudden emergency within the two hour window, please contact staff.) Any reasonable exemptions in writing to the gym via email will be taken into consideration by the manager to waive the fee.
These Gym Rules are issued by POWR FITNESS Pty Ltd and must be adhered to by members and users of the gym to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment. Members should respect the health and safety of each other while on the gym premises and must comply with any Occupational Health and Safety requirements of the gym. Any internal signage displayed around the gym forms part of the Gym Rules. If a member is seen to be in breach of the Gym Rules, the gym reserves the right to terminate the membership of the member and take further action if deemed appropriate .
Staffed hours at the gym include:
● Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Access to the gym is currently only allowed through the main entrance during staffed hours. Members are responsible for alarming the gym if anyone or anything unusual is happening in the location outside of staffed hours.
In order to foster a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere within the gym we ask members to conduct themselves in a responsible manner. All members should be courteous to staff and other members while working out.
Suitable footwear is required to be worn at all times. All members must wear deodorant... don't be that guy.
Any member who causes damage to equipment or any property of POWR FITNESS, they may be held liable for damages. Members will be held responsible for damage caused by children or guests. If members notice and damage please inform management asap.
The gym has fire exits which are clearly marked with appropriate signage. In case of a fire emergency please evacuate the building immediately. In case of an emergency please call:
Fire “000”
Police “000”
Ambulance “000”
Smoking is not permitted in any area of the gym.
Cubes are provided for use ONLY while training in the gym, and are used at the member’s own risk. While all care is taken, the gym will not be held liable for any loss, damage or theft of belongings placed in cubes or brought on the premises. Unclaimed property will be kept for 14 days and thereafter donated to charity.
Please ensure that all weights and equipment is returned after you are finished using them. Under no circumstances can any equipment be removed from the gym. Please advise staff if any equipment is not working properly or damaged.
Always double check that you leave the gym in the same condition you found it, and don't forget to wipe your chalk!
Management reserves the right to close off any part of the premises or any piece of equipment for maintenance at any time.
Guests may enter the gym premises on payment of a Casual Visit Fee through the POWR FITNESS app or at reception. All guests must be at least 16 years of age, be accompanied by you, and leave the gym at the same time as you do. A reference to members in this document include their guests
During or immediately prior to your Membership, we may obtain certain personal information (such as about your health and your financial position). The gym will only use, disclose or deal with such information in accordance with its Privacy Policy, which can be provided to you or accessed at the gym website located at
Additionally, for safety and security reasons the gym may use surveillance in common areas.
As a Member – for your safety, if you fall pregnant, we require letter of medical clearance from your physician to facilitate your continued participation.